Sunday, June 21, 2009

Types of Breast Implants, Gel Breast Implants, Breast Augmentation Risks

Types of Breast Implants, Gel Breast Implants, Breast Augmentation Risks

A breast implant is a process used to extend the size of the breasts of a woman. There are two types of breast implants. They are filled with saline or silicone gel. Women who undergo breast implants are generally high strata of society and are more sensitive about their appearance and who have experienced the fun of because of the deficiency in the chest area.

Have also been subject to depression and in many cases also psychotherapy. There is great improvement in self-confidence and self-esteem in women who have undergone breast implants.
The silicone implants are made of silicon, which is available in abundance in nature in the sand, quartz and rock. As the silicon is mixed with oxygen, hydrogen and carbon is converted into silicon. Silicone comes in different forms. When the molecular weight is low, is in the form of oil. When the molecular weight is average, in the form of a gel. When the high molecular weight becomes elastomers and rubber.

Silicone is assumed that biologically inactive and safe. However, some studies reported short-term connective tissue and cancer. This led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to restrict breast implants silicone gel for the controlled clinical trials in 1992. Before the ban, 90-95 percent of the silicone gel implants had and then 90-95 percent of implants filled with saline type.

National Institutes of Health conducted a study on the health effects of long-term silicone breast implants. The findings of this study found no association between breast implants and risk of breast cancer. However, women with implants were at greater risk of respiratory cancer and brain. The reasons for this increase are not known. Also found that is not directly related to exposure to silicone. The FDA has approved the new procedure of silicone implants in November 2006, based on the study report of the National Institutes of Health
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Risks of Breast Implants, Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Risks of Breast Implants, Silicone Gel Breast Implants

With any surgical procedure is always a risk that something goes wrong. In addition to the complications that can occur with any surgery, such as scars, infections, changes in sensitivity or severe bruising, the risk of increased breast cancer include certain problems inherent in the breast implant that are unique to this procedure. There are specific risks inherent in the placement of saline breast implants and silicone surgery must be analyzed before deciding whether or not the procedure. For information about the capsular contractual or other problems associated with surgery or the healing process, visit our page on complications of breast growth.

Potential problems of breast implant

While breast implants are designed to replicate the look and feel of natural breast tissue, its structure lends itself to certain complications that do not represent a problem with other types of cosmetic and medical implants. These problems include breast implant ripple (wrinkles or folds in the capsule of the implant), rupture (tearing of the capsule of the implant) and interference with mammography. Moreover, breast implants do not last a lifetime. It is likely that a woman with breast implants need in your life at least one additional surgery, if not more, to replace a broken implant or not satisfactory.
Risks of saline breast implants and silicone

Certain risks of breast implants are more closely associated with implants with saline or silicone. It is important to assess these risks in determining what type of implant chosen.

Risks of silicone breast implants

After 14 years of scrutiny and debate, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) finally approved silicone breast implants. These implants are an option for all women 22 years or older who are considering an increase in breast cancer. While the FDA considers to be reasonably safe and effective, still involve risks and are not suitable for all women.

Although scientific studies have ruled out any connection between the once dreaded silicone breast implants and cancer or autoimmune diseases, there are still reasons to worry about the breaking of the silicone implants. The fact is that they can break and if they do, the patient may not even be aware. Unlike saline implants, which deflates the rupture, silicone implants can be filtered slowly, with no signs or symptoms that something has happened. The only way to detect the rupture of a silicone breast implant is through a study of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, by its acronym in English).

One of the risks of silicone breast implants and saline that can interfere with mammograms. The breast implant creates an obstruction that can not pass through X-ray. They are also subject to breakage due to pressure on the breasts during the study. This issue is more serious with silicone implants than with saline, as the silicone can be filtered without being noticed and is not a substance that is found naturally in the body. While it is important to get regular mammograms to detect early signs of cancer, it is important that you have breast implants, both when making the appointment when it meets the technical. This allows the technician to use special techniques to avoid interference and minimize the chance of breakage.

Risks of saline breast implants

Although the saline breast implants remained in the market while the silicone was removed, there are still problems associated with them. Saline implants are more likely to undulate, creating "waves" palpable and sometimes visible on the sides of the breast. This is because wrinkles or folds are formed in the capsule of silicone implant. To resolve this problem, we need another surgery.

The saline breast implants are also subject to breakage. While the saline in the implant is not harmful for the body and is easily absorbed, a saline implant deflates that breaks away and will be within a smaller, flatter and more down the other until will perform another surgery to replace the implant. If the implant is large, the difference is remarkable.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Silicone Breast Implant, Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Silicone Breast Implant, Silicone Gel Breast Implants

In women, the breasts have always played a dual role. On the one hand, and the usefulness of physiological lactation and also the aesthetic and sexual. For the latter that increasingly, females between 25 and 35 years to decide to undergo cosmetic surgery to increase their size.

What is it?

Introduction of a breast implant of appropriate size and shape, in a pocket created previously placed behind the pectoral muscle or behind the mammary gland.

The operation lasts an hour and a half and is done with multimodal anesthesia.

You must rest for 3 or 4 days, and can make normal life after a week of the intervention.

With the advances have been refined surgical techniques, reducing risks and increasing the satisfaction of patients.

Is not lost breast tenderness.

Improvement in physical appearance
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Silicone Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancement

Silicone Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancement

It is amazing how the silicone breast implants became popular and is increasingly common in the real and the imaginary women.

In 2007, the breast surgery was 33% of plastic surgery, to 20% of the liposuction. But even before the polls show it is a fact easily observed by anyone. It is rare to find someone who does not know at least one woman who has been placed silicone prosthesis.

The explanation may come from the human essence. "There is always a desire in humans to produce an improvement in the aesthetics of the body," the psychologist analyzes Sebastião Alves de Souza, School of Life Link (SP).
silicone breast implant surgery

But in the case of silicone breast implants, in particular, the explanation can also be attributed to the essence of women, specifically. Breasts as a symbol of femininity and are related to female sexuality and sensuality. In the unconscious, the woman having big breasts is associated with a more powerful attraction on people.

"In most cases, the patient wants to be more feminine, more beautiful. When a woman feel more feminine, more sensual and has a sex life more fully," the plastic surgeon Claudio Rodrigues Dias (SP).

After all, the silicone prosthesis also improves the appearance of the neck and left breast in balance with the rest of the body, leaving the corners in harmony. Not surprisingly, the plastic surgeon examines the structure of the patient to determine the size of the implant.

Moreover, the quality of silicone prostheses are more secure and allow for more natural results, leaving women more comfortable and confident in the procedure.

According to the psychologist Sebastian Souza, not only physical changes, also a new insight into the behavior of the body. "The silicone implant surgery in the breast has the power, in many cases, to end sexual and social inhibitions, especially in women with breasts too small," says plastic surgeon Dr. Cláudio Dias.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Gel Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancement

Gel Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancers, Silicone Breast Enhancement

Silicone Breast Implants

In 2006 and after extensive tests showed that its safety for general use, the Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) approved silicone breast implants. Offer silicone implants look and feel more natural than other types of breast implants because the silicone gel consistency is more like the breast tissue.

Filled breast implants: Silicone Implants

Silicone breast implants are made of a silicone capsule filled with silicone gel. In the past, these implants were common, but they were out of the market in 1992 due to several health concerns (especially leakage and breakage of the implants). As a result, saline breast implants became the norm. Following the discredited certain claims against the medical safety of silicone implants, and other problems that were solved with more durable materials for the capsules, the FDA lifted the ban on silicone breast implants in November 2006. (Implants cohesive silicone gel are not yet licensed for general use but are being evaluated in clinical trials). Today, women can choose between the kinds of saline implants and silicone for breast increase.

Advantages of silicone breast implants

The biggest advantage of the types of silicone breast implants with those of saline solution may be the look and feel more natural to provide. The silicone gel has a consistency that is very similar to that of natural breast tissue, so it is often not possible to realize the presence of silicone implants, especially if they have been placed in a submuscular. In addition, the viscosity of the silicone gel causes the ripple, which sometimes appears in the saline breast implants, much less frequent. Because of this, or very thin women who need breast reconstruction surgery achieved more favorable results with silicone implants.

Disadvantages of silicone breast implants

Compared with rates of saline implants, the disadvantages of silicone breast implants include the risk of breakage is not detected. When it breaks a saline breast implant, the result is seen immediately. Saline dissipates quickly and the implant collapses. When it breaks a silicone breast implant, however, the silicone can leak from the implant but remain in the cavity that holds it, making it difficult to detect breakage.

The incidence of capsular contracture is higher for silicone breast implants than for saline. The capsular contracture is the formation of scar tissue implants that push the breasts and makes them feel hard to the touch. The plastic surgeon can provide further information on these and other risks of breast and increase the potential complications of implants. Furthermore, due to come preflushing, silicone breast implants require a larger incision for placement. Women whose budget for the cost of increased breast cancer is limited need to know that silicone breast implants are significantly more expensive than saline.

Who are candidates for silicone breast implants?

To receive any type of breast implant saline or silicone, women must be in good health and not pregnant or breastfeeding. Silicone breast implants provide an excellent enhancement to almost all women and, because the silicone gel looks much more breast tissue to saline, these implants are recommended for women who have:

* Tissue or skin too thin to support a saline implant,

* An existing implant (saline or silicone) that causes severe wrinkling or deformity

* A mastectomy and are looking for the reconstruction,

* Congenital deformities of the chest or severe asymmetry,

* A history of traumatic injury to the chest.

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